Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Genre Fiction Movie Round-up

I noticed a glut of trailers for genre fic related films up on the Apple site, so I thought I'd point a few of them out:

No Country For Old Men from the fabulous Cormac McCarthy novel, directed by the Cohen Brothers. So rarely do two of your favorite things come together, and these two combined have me very excited for this one.

3:10 To Yuma by Elmore Leonard is one of the best short stories ever written. They made it into a movie once, and now they are remaking it. Christian Bale looks good, but Russell Crowe I'm not so sure about.

From the horror graphic novel of the same title: 3o Days of Night

Hitman from the video game of the same title. Most video games they convert to movies are total flops. This one doesn't look to change that trend. Oh Timothy Olyphant, when are those Deadwood movies coming out?

Sleuth with Jude Law and Michael Caine. Looks like a thriller.

And finally, The Golden Compass, the first book in the His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman.

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